Agency friends from (way up) north swung by
Agency friends from (way up) north swung by
We had visitors from the (far) north: Our friends from the partner agencies in the CommUnity International Network, HBEAT from Hamburg, and Husare from Emsdetten. To make everyone feel right at home, we ordered some rain, put on our sunglasses anyway, and showed them what Tübingen has to offer. We greeted them with the obligatory punt trip and a beer – Bjørn Franke himself took the opportunity to personally take our guests on a trip across the Neckar.
Of course, there was also work to be done. In our hallowed halls, we took a closer look at three key agency questions – What convinces people? What doesn’t yet? And where is there room for improvement? A successful exchange at eye level – with lots of feedback in this constructive workshop.
We also used the visit as an opportunity to record our last podcast episode before the summer break. Marvin and Martin shared the microphone with Felix – and philosophized about agency life in Hamburg. A podcast with friends – it’s worth a listen!
It goes without saying that so much work makes you thirsty. So, we took the whole gang into the city centre – cold drinks and sightseeing put us in a great mood. The highlight: a barbecue on the Bismarck Tower, where we ended the day above the rooftops of Tübingen.
Thank you HBEAT Creative Agency & Communication Agency husare for the productive visit, new insights, and great beats. We look forward to our next meeting! 🖤