Thank you so much to all our clients, partners, friends, and employees who made this evening with over 250 party guests a wild ride through the jungle of our agency’s history. “We take people on a ride to inspire and unite” was the motto – and we are still blown away: by so many great people with whom we have travelled the path of 20 years of DIE KAVALLERIE and so many inspiring moments that have welded us together. As an opener under the theme “RIDE“, our founding horses Mark & Björn took everyone on a first ride through the last 20 years. This was accompanied by delicious plant-based patisserie from Kaek and sound from Matteo Just & Clemens Buchta.
The event continued in the East office from 6 pm under the motto “INSPIRE“, with 6 Pecha Kuchas on topics that will move us in the future:
Our entire AM team showed how key aspects of sustainability need to be considered in agencies today – from projects and supply chains to our own office electricity. Adrien Ebner and Christian Krieger created the Trime-Machine for their presentation – a composition of trend & time – and used this machine to take an excursion into a trend analysis of current graphic and design topics: AI-generated images, neo-brutalism and made themselves the subject of brutal depictions. Moritz Keller and Daniela Stelle, as a duo for the text unit, tackled the topics of AI-generated text, humour, and socio-emotional intelligence. Michael Friz took a thematically appropriate deep dive into the Magnificent 7 trends for photography/motion/3D and there was also a round of Pfeierabend, our agency’s podcast, which was the fastest in the world that evening.
And then, finally, it was “UNITE!” The big unification on the jungle dancefloor, surrounded by far too much greenery, palm trees, and disco balls, that took place in the new Kreuzberg office. But it wasn’t just our founders who were celebrated. Before the big party, award show-style tournament ribbons and prizes were presented on the new premises for the greatest achievements of clients and employees. And then, finally: between the organic cocktail bar by G&G Cocktails and vegan show cooking by baobeifood as well as DJing, we performed dance and riding routines on our life-size agency horse, cut the obligatory cake and, by the way, also launched our new website…
Oh, when will we finally turn 25! Perhaps sooner than we thought because we celebrated 20 years since GmbH foundation. But we actually saddled up in the year 2000… So: Stay tuned.
Once again, we would like to thank our friends, colleagues and especially our clients for a great evening. Thank you very much for your visit:
Heller Studios GmbH, DVS Beregnung GmbH, ADAMO-Fashion GmbH, Ritter Sport, KUKA, OBJECT CARPET GmbH, Vivat Lingua! Sprachtrainingsprogramme GmbH, WIT Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Tübingen mbH, EnGarde. Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB, AVAT Automation GmbH, MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH, Studio Storti, Greiner Bio-One International, Paul Horn GmbH, Helios Ventilatoren GmbH + Co KG, ResCom Academy, CONRADYGRUPPE Verwaltungs GmbH, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V., Synovo, design hoch drei, Himmelwerk, Karin Fiedler, Bimos, Interstuhl, Metabo, Kanzlei HSP and many, many others.
Pics or it didn’t happen!
For those who couldn’t be there on 6 October or have one or two small gaps in their memory: there is of course also an aftermovie, because the jungle has its eyes everywhere.