German Design
Award 2021

Double award winners for AOK and Landratsamt Reutlingen

It’s official: Two of our projects are winners of the German Design Awards 2021. Firstly, we received a Special Mention for the brand communication of the Reutlingen District Office. And then there’s the Special Mention for AOK Baden-Württemberg – 25 years of WEGEMACHER.

We are doubly proud! Of ourselves, of course – but above all, of our clients with whom we achieved these outstanding results. They have shown confidence in unconventional solutions and had the courage to break new ground to successfully position and represent their brands.

The German Design Award sets international standards when it comes to the most innovative design developments and competitiveness in the global market. It only honours projects that are ground-breaking in the German and international design landscape. This is ensured by an international jury that brings together leading minds from all disciplines of design.


People, nature, culture, and business – this authority has the development of an entire district in its sights and focuses on modernity, friendliness, and comprehensibility. And this is precisely the aim of the Reutlingen District Office’s brand communication.

With the versatile components of the logo, we not only create the “RT” for Reutlingen but also show across all media: The district administration office maintains an overview and shapes the future for the district as a whole and for each individual.

The jury’s statement:
“Successful brand communication for the Reutlingen District Office. The versatile forms of the logo refer to the overview and future orientation of this office. The light green topography of the Swabian Alb demonstrates regional down-to-earthiness. Contemporary modernity is conveyed in a convincing way.”


AOK Baden-Württemberg is celebrating its 25th birthday – time to position itself as what it is: “25 years WEGEMACHER [trailblazer] for healthy living”. We established this leitmotif for all publications and events in the anniversary year. And because every single AOK employee is a trailblazer and therefore part of the trail, we created a special highlight:

With a hand-painted trail of AOK green paint across all 20,000 covers of the anniversary magazine, we transformed each cover into a piece of the trail – symbolically for each trailblazer. Each unique piece was also numbered by hand. Find out more about the project here.

The jury’s statement:
“Unusual anniversary magazine in terms of concept, design, editing, and production. The idea of 25 years of WEGEMACHER for healthy living guides you through the magazine, printed on environmentally friendly paper, each one unique and numbered by hand. This gives each part of the journey a unique character and contributes to the bigger picture.”