Online Marketing
Rockstars 2023

Searching for the latest trends in Hamburg.

It was that time again on May 9 and 10 – the OMR in Hamburg. There was plenty of input from the digital and marketing scene on various festival stages. Visitors were offered a huge program full of masterclasses, keynotes, panels, talks, and concerts. And right in the middle of it all: our Kava delegation from Tübingen with Felix Schlepps, Natalie Lehmler, Moritz Keller, Isabell Ott, and Maria Devrentzidou.

We set off at 4 am on Tuesday. We arrived in Hamburg and went directly to the festival. The schedule included topics that are of particular interest to us as an agency, such as AI, TikTok, food photography, and sustainability. Despite all the enthusiasm and overwhelming excitement, there were also one or two points of criticism: the OMR app – a guide with all the important news and information for the festival – could not be used due to a collapsed network – and this at an online marketing festival. Such a pity.

Apart from that, however, all five agree: it was a great atmosphere in Hamburg, and what could be better than ending the evening in a relaxed atmosphere in St Pauli before catching the train to Tübingen at 2 am? Exactly.

Or as Felix would summarise: Two days of massive fireworks, over-ambitious plans (yet achieving only half of them at most) and everyone weary but happy at the end.