Brand development and corporate design of WALA’s Heilmittel subsidiary company Naturamus


“A product is only as beautiful as the nature it comes from” – this is the motto of our client naturamus. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of WALA Heilmittel GmbH and trades in raw materials that WALA uses in its products. Fats, oils, and nuts – everything comes from biodynamic cultivation and involves a lot of manual labor.

In line with this holistic approach, we developed the foundations for the brand and corporate design together with all naturamus employees in a workshop. From business stationery to flyers and greeting cards, we always keep the big picture in mind when producing media: We use local printers, print on Blue Angel paper, and apply environmentally-friendly mechanical embossing. Whether it’s trade fair equipment, a website, or an online manual, no matter which project we tackle with naturamus, the focus is always on what is close to nature. Paired with great attention to detail.

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