Campaign for the revitalization of the Reutlingen city brand


Achieving an advertising equivalent value of 4.5 million EUR with a media spend of 25,000 EUR.

“You can’t like Reutlingen. Only love it.” – is the city marketing campaign developed by us, marking the beginning of the revitalization of the Reutlingen city brand. In the first phase, we sparked a nationwide city conversation, resulting in massive media coverage that compelled the city’s 120,000 residents to advocate for their city and discuss its qualities. We developed a provocative 10-day teaser campaign that put the supposedly dull Reutlingen in the national spotlight and made it known for the first time.,, and television channels like RTL and Pro Sieben reported on it. In total, with just 150 posters placed in Reutlingen, we achieved a nationwide media buzz with a reach of 191 million, not including private social media posts.

Within 10 days:
4.5 million EUR media equivalent*
190.1 million reach*

*Media monitoring by Landau Media GmbH & Co. KG, as of 27.06.2024

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